Amazing grace… was blind but now I see; in pinhole. Side effects may include limited view, darkness, obstruction of details,,, but it is the claimed natural way to improve nearsightedness.
Side note: people should start using comma-ellipsis [,,,] to compliment the normal dot-dot-dot […]. Pinhole glasses look cool, but are they approved for driving? And do they help block extraneous sun glare? I’d like to try some for fun. I never knew they existed. I could probably make my own or find a sheet of equidistant tiny holes and look through it while walking or using the computer. That’s it! I’ll wrap it around my head so I can create the whole perforation experience. Pinhole hearing, pinhole smell, and I would dread pinhole taste. The only foods that can pass through are liquid goop for the toothless. I could even get a pinhole tan. Spotted sexiness.
Last comment on eyes and tie to bovines: They should be eaten to put out their misery. There’s nothing worse than a blind cow suffering from “fetus of the eye,” or “ocular nipple growth.”
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