Are Polars Opposites? Inquire about Wire-Heading.

What if evil was wholly disjointed from the entity that is declared good? Well, it would be good when taken with the other that is contrasted. Blindly taken alone is incomprehensible as a room with no light in it or when one looks at the sun. There is a supposed problem of evil, yet without it goodness has no worth. And lowly aspect of goodness become evil in replacement of the absence of evil. The Manicheans believe that the universe was created or is the collision between good and evil. They suggested that one should strive to be good but that pure goodness would not be attainable without ending the universe and even existence.

On the opposite end, this end of the universe experience is promoted through wire-heading. Wire-heading is hedonism by means of programmable post-human pleasure at its maximum and the implications of developing a pain-free being would only cause them either to lose humanity or to develop pain from the pure happiness. This is the ambition of the perfection of mankind which I think is rather impossible.

I guess it would just be you connected to a machine that constantly gave the feeling of ultimate sex (or whatever your view of the best pleasure is) like a stream of chemical data that would block any negative aspects and only produce positive effects. This would be administered either by implantation of a supercomputer type device or somehow just alteration by speeding up natural selection toward perfection. There are scientist and futurist who are saying that we are coming closer to increasing the rate of evolutionary process.

However, morphine blocks pain, leads to addiction/withdrawal, perhaps it could sustained. Dopamine flood and all the sudden–too much and you simply go loco. I feel that technology would end micro-evolution before it enhanced it.

Perhaps science could could invent receptors that are wired to prevent overload, which is a 40 year old promise yet to be fulfilled. People might still get lonely. Not if they could somehow create impulses of companionship but there you’d lose any reason to be alive if it was all illusory, which is what the goal essentially is (to have the programed reality become superior or to stamp out the human race).

This is genetic engineering, my friends. This is reification, folks. And reification is regard or treat (an abstraction) as if it had concrete or material existence.

Wireheading may have potential to destroy all pain and create unlimited hedonic pleasure (possibly unreal, void of authentic happiness)

  • this may already be happening on a small scale with drugs or gene selection
  • this could also limit free will if we are programmed with certain mental modes

“Wireheading has punctured the barrier of thoughts in the brain to map onto computer functions which has lead a paraplegic to carry out games of Tetris, and other stunts.” It has also given disadvantageous opportunity for abuse and extremity toward a fallacy of eternity.

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